Christopher Page-Sanders
Originally from St. Louis, MO, Christopher is the Founding Co-Artistic Director of NU-World Contemporary Danse Theatre. He received formal dance training from the Center of Creative Arts and the University of Missouri - Kansas City as a BFA Dance Major in the Conservatory of Music and Dance. With a background that spans both theater and concert dance, his journey as a performing artist has taken him across the globe, gracing stages with renowned dance companies such as the Cleo Parker Robinson Dance Ensemble, Dianne McIntyre Group, Hannah Kahn Dance Company, and the Owen\Cox Dance Group, as well as notable theatre companies such as The Fulton Theatre, Mastervoices, and the St. Louis Black Repertory Theatre Company. As a choreographer in concert dance, his choreographic commissions include Chloe-Grant Abel, Cleo Parker Robinson Dance, COCADance, Davis Contemporary Dance Company, Dance Lab New York, Deeply Rooted ECS, as well as for theatre companies, having had the privilege of directing\choreographing or choreographing theatrical works such as Once Upon A Mattress (Arvada Center), Dreamgirls (Lone Tree Arts Center), Sophisticated Ladies (Vintage Theatre Productions), The Color Purple (COCAPresents), Raisin- The Musical (Town Hall Arts Center). His choreography has been presented nationally at festivals such as the Battery Dance Festival, Boulder Jazz Dance Festival, Dumbo Dance Festival, the International Association of Blacks In Dance Conference, Mile High Dance Festival, and the Presenting Denver Dance Festival. As an educator, he has had the privilege to teach on faculty or as a guest artist at institutions such as the Center of Creative Arts, Cleo Parker Robinson Dance Academy, Denver School for the Arts, Dwana Smallwood Performing Arts Center, East Central College, Metro Theater Company, Pre-Professional Performing Arts High School, Rosie's Theater Kids, and William & Mary College. He is a recipient of the Leni Wylliams Award for Choreography and Innovation (Cleo Parker Robinson Dance), the True West Award, the Marlowe Award (Best Director and Best Choreographer for Raisin-The Musical), the Henry Award (Best Choreographer for The Scottsboro Boys). On the shoulders of my ancestors, I dance!